Entry windows

An entry window opens when you translate a word or phrase

An entry window is a separate window for viewing dictionary entries for a given word. All dictionaries containing this word or phrase are listed on the right-hand toolbar.
To quickly open the entry in a specific dictionary, click this dictionary in the list.
ABBYY Lingvo cards zones of card Entry windows

All entry windows are unpinned by default for convenience.

This means that when you translate a new word, the entry window of the previous word closes automatically. For a specific entry window to remain open, pin it by clicking ABBYY Lingvo pin card Entry windows on the top window toolbar.

Finding word usage examples

In the entry window click Find in ABBYY Lingvo (on the right-hand toolbar):
ABBYY Lingvo cards click find lingvo Entry windows
More: finding usage examples

Finding a word online and in Wikipedia

Click the relevant links on the right-hand toolbar of the entry window:
ABBYY Lingvo cards click internet wiki Entry windows

ABBYY Lingvo lamp Entry windowsTo translate a word in the entry window, double-click it.
Advice on using entry windows
ABBYY Lingvo lamp Entry windowsConfiguring entry window view
ABBYY Lingvo question Entry windowsWhy does a search open several entry windows?

ABBYY Lingvo beavertransldown Entry windows

Entry windows