Finding usage examples

Some word usage examples are provided in the entry window

ABBYY Lingvo usingexamples card description Finding usage examples

To find more word usage examples, use dictionary search

  1. Enter the word in the search field and click Full-Text Search in the main window.
    ABBYY Lingvo search main window Finding usage examples

    You can also click the Find in ABBYY Lingvo link in the entry window.
    ABBYY Lingvo search card Finding usage examples

  2. In the Search Results window that opens click the Examples link.
  3. To open the entry window containing the needed usage example, click the relevant link.
    ABBYY Lingvo search results Finding usage examples

Note. To search for word usage examples more effectively, configure the dictionary search.

ABBYY Lingvo lamp Finding usage examplesOther uses of dictionary search
ABBYY Lingvo lamp Finding usage examplesTo launch a search in online dictionaries, click Find in Online Dictionaries at the bottom of the Search Results window.
ABBYY Lingvo lamp Finding usage examplesTo launch a search in dictionaries you can use the Ctrl+F shortcut.
All ABBYY Lingvo x3 shortcuts

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Finding usage examples