If you forget how to spell a word

Type in the word as you remember it in the search field and press ENTER

If you type it with an error, ABBYY Lingvo will display spelling suggestions:
ABBYY Lingvo forget suggestion If you forget how to spell a word
Click the required word to open its entry window.

If the spelling suggestions do not contain the word you need, try using wildcard search

  1. Enter the word in the search field substituting the questionable letters with question marks “?”
  2. .
  3. Click Translate→Wildcard Search or press Ctrl+F3.
  4. The Wildcard Search Results window will appear containing a list of matching words. Click the required word to open its entry window.

If you do not remember the exact number of letters in any part of the word, substitute them with an asterisk (*). This sign replaces any sequence of letters (including blanks) during wildcard search.
More: wildcard search

ABBYY Lingvo lamp If you forget how to spell a wordTo change the sequence in which entries appear in the entry window, rearrange dictionaries on the bookshelf.
More: arranging dictionaries on the bookshelf

ABBYY Lingvo beavertransldown If you forget how to spell a word

If you forget how to spell a word