Locating all words with the same ending

Use wildcard search:

  1. Enter the ending in the search field, substituting the remaining characters of the word with an asterisk. For example, to find all words with the ending ancy, enter *ancy in the search field.
  2. Click Translate→Wildcard Search or press Ctrl+F3.
  3. The Wildcard Search Results window will appear containing a list of matching words. Click the required word to open its entry window.
    ABBYY Lingvo equalending click a word Locating all words with the same ending

More: wildcard search

In this way you can locate all words containing a specific sequence of letters at the beginning (e.g., prefix) or in the middle (e.g., root) of the word.

If the known sequence of letters is at the beginning of the word, use a search query of the abc* format, for example: dis*.

If the known sequence of letters is in the middle of the word, use a search query of the *abc* format, for example: *schl*.

ABBYY Lingvo lamp Locating all words with the same endingTo translate any word in the entry window, double-click it.
Advice on using entry windows

ABBYY Lingvo beavertransldown Locating all words with the same ending

Locating all words with the same ending