Translating a word or phrase

Translating is easy!

Just enter a word or phrase in the search field and click Translate or press Enter. ABBYY Lingvo will do the rest.

If there is no matching entry, ABBYY Lingvo will find the translation in the text of entries

For example, since there is no separate entry for to win a title, ABBYY Lingvo will look up translations in the text of entries:
ABBYY Lingvo howtotranslate auto search Translating a word or phrase
More: auto search

You can enter words in any form

For example, the dictionary contains the word agree. You can enter this word in the search entry in any form: agree, agreed, agreeing, etc. Press Enter and the entry window for agree will appear on the screen.
So to translate a word you do not need to know the forms of the word or be able to enter it in a specific “dictionary-friendly” form.

Advice. You can view grammar forms of any word.
More: viewing word forms

If you make a mistake typing in a word, ABBYY Lingvo will suggest the correct spelling

For example, if you type koffee instead of coffee and press Enter, ABBYY Lingvo will display a list of spelling suggestions where you can easily spot the correctly spelled coffee.
ABBYY Lingvo howtotranslate suggestions Translating a word or phrase

ABBYY Lingvo lamp Translating a word or phraseTo view the translation of a word from the list in the main window of ABBYY Lingvo, double-click this word.
More: word list
ABBYY Lingvo lamp Translating a word or phraseQuick lookup
ABBYY Lingvo lamp Translating a word or phraseYou can use entry history to view words translated previously.

ABBYY Lingvo beavertransldown Translating a word or phrase

Translating a word or phrase